Financial Management Flight adapts teleworking methods amid COVID-19 pandemic

  • Published
  • By A1C Akeem Campbell
  • 366th Fighter Wing Public Affairs

While some jobs have been temporarily shut down in order to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, certain jobs must continue to work and adopt a way to maintain stability, order, well-being and security. The Financial Management Flight under the 366th Financial Acquisition Squadron is one of those essential jobs needed to support Airmen amid the pandemic.

“We provide travel and military pay support to Airmen and their families,” said Master Sgt. Sutanya Allen Nix, 366th FAS flight chief and financial operations craftsman. “We’re also here to provide clarification and guidance to commanders and first sergeants on how to assist their members who are directly impacted by COVID-19 and the stop movement.”

Due to circumstances, the FMF had to get accustomed to teleworking.

"Personnel have gone through struggles with connectivity but thanks to the added VPNs, we are overcoming,” said Carolyn Wright, 366th FAS budget officer.

FMF had to come up with a new communication strategy to communicate with Airmen who need answers about their finances.

“We’ve realized how important it is to be accessible and find ways to improve our presence on this base,” Nix said. “We’ve directed our focus to creating a web page dedicated to customers and thanks to public affairs it was a rather simple process for us.”

The website has provided a variety of ways for the people of Mountain Home AFB to get answers about their finances as well as communicate with FMF.

“Members can visit the website for information on pay-related inquires,” Nix said. We provide links to other websites and frequently ask questions in hopes that it will direct them to how and where they need to go to resolve their issues.”

Even though the website provides a multitude of assistance for FMF, they continue to have a means to support individuals who don’t have access to that technology.

“We have been offering phone appointments for individuals who cannot have their issues resolved through email,” Nix said.

While the FMF works hard to make sure the Airmen on Mountain Home AFB are well assisted, they also make sure that their hard-working team is keeping up with demand and is well taken care of.

“The FMF office has established an office text chain,” Wright said. “If someone is having issues completing a task we contact the rest of the team through the text chain to request assistance.”

Despite the challenging conditions, the FMF flight continues to intelligently get the mission done and still provide for Airmen and families information while maintaining a social distance.

“We are expert professionals,” Nix said. "It is our goal to execute premiere financial service anytime. We understand the level of uncertainty during the COVID-19 pandemic, and we want to do our part in providing some stability.”

For any questions or inquiries about your finance visit this website.

or you can contact FMF through this email