Department of the Air Force Releases Draft Environmental Impact Statement on the Proposal for Airspace Optimization for Readiness for Mountain Home Air Force Base; Public Hearing Scheduled

  • Published
  • By 366 Fighter Wing Public Affairs

The Department of the Air Force (DAF) has released a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) analyzing potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed action of optimizing airspace available to Mountain Home AFB, Idaho, for aircrew training to achieve and maintain proficiency at low altitudes in mountainous terrain with consistent low-altitude floors.  Additionally, the Proposed Action evaluates lowering altitude floors across multiple Military Operations Areas for supersonic training.

A Notice of Availability for the Draft EIS, published in the Federal Register on July 9, 2021, announced the Draft EIS is available for public review, and began a 45-day public comment period, which ends on August 23, 2021.  

The DAF will host one virtual public hearing and three in-person hearings at locations chosen based on the area of potential effects, community connectivity, and public and stakeholder feedback.  At each of the hearings, the DAF will offer a presentation about the Draft EIS and its proposed action and alternatives, followed by a formal public comment session.  Dates, times, and locations of the in-person hearings are listed below. 


July 26, 2021

5 – 8 p.m. Mountain Time

Grand View Elementary School, 205 1st Street, Grand View, Idaho

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

5 – 8 p.m. Pacific Time                  6 – 9 p.m. Mountain Time

Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of Duck Valley Indian Reservation Tribal HQ, 1036 Idaho State Highway 51 (on the Idaho-Nevada border)

Thursday, July 29, 2021

5 – 8 p.m. Mountain Time

The Riverside Hotel, 2900 West Chinden Boulevard, Boise, Idaho


In-person hearings will be conducted in a manner consistent with Federal, state, county, tribal, and any other applicable COVID guidelines for social distancing and the safety of attendees. 

To accommodate those who cannot or wish not to attend in-person hearings due to COVID-19 concerns, the DAF will also host a virtual public hearing on Tuesday, July 27, 2021, from 6 to 9 p.m. Mountain Time.  Use the following Internet address to see and hear the presentation and listen to public comments:  The virtual public hearing can also be accessed by calling the following toll-free number, beginning 30 minutes before the scheduled start time of the virtual hearing: (888) 869-1189 and entering the conference ID: 5765023. 

Those interested in offering verbal comments at the virtual hearing must call the toll-free number.  Preregistration for telephone access can be made any time before the hearing through online registration:  Participants may register to make a public comment during the virtual hearing up until the formal comment session concludes and the hearing is officially adjourned.

More information about the Draft EIS can be found on the project website:

Comments on the Draft EIS can be submitted verbally at the virtual public hearing, verbally or in writing at the in-person hearings, electronically at, or by mailing written comments via U.S. Postal Service, UPS, or FedEx to: Mountain Home AFB Airspace Optimization EIS, c/o Leidos, 2109 Air Park Road SE, Ste 200, Albuquerque, NM 87106.

To ensure the DAF has sufficient time to consider public input in the preparation of the Final EIS, please submit comments by August 23, 2021.

For further information, please contact: 366th Fighter Wing Public Affairs, 366 Gunfighter Ave, Bldg 512, Ste 2014, Mountain Home AFB, ID 83648 ;Phone: 208-828-6800; email: