MHAFB Tax Center closes, resources still available Published Jan. 11, 2019 366 Fighter Wing Public Affairs MOUNTAIN HOME AIR FORCE BASE, Idaho -- Tax season is fast approaching.As the New Year begins, one thing that many are looking forward to is getting their Form W-2 fresh off the printer.In the past the 366th Fighter Wing Legal Office has operated a tax center on base for Active duty, Guard, Reserve, their families and retirees.Due to low manning and a 45 percent decline of use since 2015, the tax center will not be active in 2019.“Less than 1 in 10 of active duty Airmen utilize the tax center,” said Lt. Col. Damon Scott, 366th Fighter Wing Staff Judge Advocate. “This coupled with shortages in volunteers due to mission requirements and adverse impact to work centers due to extensive tax training, manning the MHAFB Tax Center has become unfeasible.”Although the tax center will not be active this year, there are still many ways that Gunfighters can file their taxes.“Active duty members and their families can conveniently file their tax returns online through Military OneSource, or other free online tax programs.” Scott said. “Members with complex tax returns can visit one of the several free tax clinics located in Boise and Mountain Home.”Retirees have other opportunities to file their taxes in Boise and Mountain Home as well to include tax aide centers and Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA).There are also many professional tax preparation centers in the local area that can assist with more intricate cases.“We apologize for any inconvenience and our office will be open for phone calls from anyone who may be in need of assistance finding the best avenue to file their taxes this year,” said Senior Airman Joseph Amador, 366th Fighter Wing Legal Office military justice paralegal.For any questions or concerns contact the legal office at (208) 828-2238.