Air Force Handbook 1, Enlisted Study Guide podcast now available Published Dec. 26, 2018 By Air Education and Training Command Public Affairs JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas (AFNS) -- To help Airmen prepare for their upcoming promotion exams, a no-cost audio version of the Air Force Handbook 1 Enlisted Study Guide is now available across a variety of online platforms. As part of the effort to make audio study guide materials available to Airmen in ways that match today's technology, users can listen to or download the enlisted promotion study guide podcast by chapter on iTunes by searching "Air Force Handbook 1 Enlisted Study Guide," or by going directly to the AFH 1 website. “Ensuring Airmen have complete control over their ability to access promotion study guide material online in audio form is a top priority,” said Chief Master Sgt. Steve West, AFH 1 program manager at Air Education and Training Command’s Studies and Analysis Squadron, who oversees the enlisted promotion study guide development team. “Everyone learns differently and we’re pleased to be able to provide one more way for Airmen to prepare.” The AFH 1 podcasts are also being prepared for smart speaker access using Siri and Alexa. Additionally, users can find the AFH 1 Enlisted Study Guide podcast channel RSS feed on the Defense Visual Information Distribution Service website here. Air Force Handbook 1, Airman (AFH 1) v2017 and the 2017 Enlisted Promotion Study Guides support the 2018 and 2019 promotion (and supplementary) testing cycles for Airmen testing for promotion to the ranks of staff sergeant through chief master sergeant. For questions regarding appropriate enlisted promotion study material, refer to the Enlisted Promotions References and Requirements Catalog, located on the AF Portal under quick links, or go directly to: