Members of F-15E Systems Program Office visit MHAFB Published Aug. 6, 2018 By Senior Airman Alaysia Berry 366th Fighter Wing Public Affairs MOUNTAIN HOME AIR FORCE BASE, Idaho -- Members from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and Robins Air Force Base F-15 Systems Program Offices visited here July 29 - August 4, 2018. The F-15E Systems Program Offices were specifically created to address issues aging aircraft may have. The SPO's focus is to ensure reliability and maintainability, as well as streamlining work and improving repair technologies at maintenance depots. During the week-long visit, SPO members learned about various aspects of the F-15E Strike Eagle in a classroom setting, then proceeded to see what they learned in action. For members of the SPO offices, the visit provided an up close look at the modernization and sustainment programs to ensure the F-15E continues to provide air dominance into the next generation. Members of the SPO offices will be able to compile insight gained from this visit, and use it to better understand how their decisions affect the F-15's across the Air Force. "Our people in the program office come from a variety of backgrounds, but most of them do not have direct military experience," said Gregory Watson, chief of F-15E Program Integration. "This was a wonderful opportunity for them to actually see the people that make the mission happen, and to see the airplanes and the significance of the work that they do." Members of the 366th Fighter Wing benefited from the visit as well. It gave both parties additional avenues of communications to get quick answers to questions the other may have and allow them to work closely together to make decisions on what's best for the future of the F-15E. By establishing close contact with the SPO's, Airmen are provided with more resources to find solutions for aircraft issues they may come across in the future. "This visit helped open a new line of communication that will now expedite the acquisitions process in the F-15E community," said 1st Lt. Ryan Elliott, 389th Fighter Squadron officer in charge of sortie generation. "It also allowed SPO members to have a better understanding of the decisions they make and to see how they affect an operational, deployable F-15E." "We really appreciate the 366th Fighter Wing having us out," said Watson. "This is an incredible opportunity for the people that are in the Systems Program Offices to connect with the mission of the F-15E and the Gunfighter Wing."